"Personality Dimensions® is a suite of self-exploration tools. With straightforward assessments and engaging activities, it facilitates a deep understanding of one's own and others' personalities, values, strengths, potential challenges, and sources of stress. Whether in social settings or workplace collaboration, it empowers individuals to gain better insights into themselves and others."
Details :
▹Date:2024年1月6日星期六/ Saturday 6th January 2024
▹Time:2:00-5:00pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
▹ Venue:英倫好鄰舍教會曼城聚會處 Good Neighbour Hub, 2/F, Swan Building, 20 Swan Street, Manchester, M4 5JW
▹ Activity:1 face-to-face session
▹Languages : Cantonese
▹Target: All BNO Hongkongers are welcome, preferably aged between 18-40
▹ Capacity:20 (First come, first served)
▹Fee: £2 per person
▹Registration :https://forms.gle/B1Q4oQz8Y4Bz6Jnh7
▹Enquiries:Sandy gnce.national.northwest@gmail.com +44 777 880 8585
▹ Supported by: Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
▹ Organised by:Good Neighbour Church England(Registered Charity Number:1195452)