Bubble Soccer is an evolved version of soccer. Unlike regular soccer, players need to put on a special bubble ball to play the game on the field. When players put on a bubble similar to a space balloon, they will not get hurt easily no matter they hit or roll, which adds a sense of excitement to this soccer game! In addition, participants can also build up teamwork and communication skills through the game, so let's join the activity together!
Details :
▹ Date: 17/3 (Sunday)
▹ Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
▹ Venue: Birmingham - Powerleague Birmingham, Salford Stadium, Lichfield Road, Birmingham, B67TG
▹ Languages: English
▹ Target: All BNO Hongkongers are welcomed, preferably aged between 18-34
▹ Capacity: 20(First come, first served)
▹ Fee: £8 per person
▹ Registration: https://forms.gle/ZFrzuwtCYEFkx9Nw9
Please complete the registration form and the successful candidate will be contacted.
▹ Dress code: Comfortable and stretchy sportswear
▹ Enquiries:Rainbow, Regional Outreach Coordinator (West Midlands) / gnce.national.westmidlands@gmail.com +44 7909781193
▹ Supported by: Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
▹ Organised by:Good Neighbour Church England(Registered Charity Number:1195452)