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【Board Games Day (London)】


Let's play board games together! Good Neighbour Church England and Hongkongers in Britain are organising a Board Game Day for everyone to gather with friends, play, relax, and make new friends. There will be games like Dixit, Uno, Othello, Chinese Chess, Rummikub, Scrabble, 7 Wonders, and more. You're also welcome to bring your own board games. Gather your friends and sign up now!


Details :

Date : 2-3-2024 (Saturday)

Time : 12pm - 4pm

Venue : London GNCE Hub, G/F, 15 Risborough Street, London, SE1 0HG

Content:Dixit、Uno、Chinese Checkers、Chinese Chess、Rummikub、7 Wonders etc.

Languages :Cantonese

Target:Aged 18 or above

Capacity : 030 particaipants (First come, first served)


Registration :( Please complete the registration form. After you submitted this form, confirmation email will be sent five to seven days before the event.


Enquiries:Lee, Regional Outreach Coordinator (London) /



Supported by:Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities

Organisers:Good Neighbour Church England (Registered Charity Number: 1195452) and Hongkongers in Britain



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